< Previous• WHAT: raise (potentially “beyond one’s own nose”) questions about every 10-15 minutes, let students vote anonymously and in real-time. • WHY (DIDACTICS): continuous student involvement, loosening up lecture, competition fun. • WHY (OTHER): (none) Building Block 9/12 Gamification Quizzes Didactics Crux!Building Block 9/12 Gamification Quizzes• WHAT: allow students to continuously share their emotions (via Emojis), content-wise challenge and personal mood. • WHY (DIDACTICS): real-time student feedback, lecturer speed/depth adjustment, inter-student sympathy. • WHY (OTHER): annotation of lecture, perception of even “remote controlling” the lecture. Building Block 10/12 Live Attendee Feedback• WHAT: use of curtains, banners, pause clock, and a set of overlayed special effects. • WHY (DIDACTICS): draw extra attention, amplify content perception. • WHY (OTHER): (none) Building Block 11/12 Perception Amplifier• WHAT: during breaks, lecturer gives students live backstage view and explanation of lecture production. • WHY (DIDACTICS): inspiration and motivation for own presentations. • WHY (OTHER): proof of media competence, alsoin Generation-X. Building Block 12/12 Backstage PassMy Education Status Quo Eine tollesMaßan “Gamification” –TUM, SEIP, WS 20/21 […] eineder didaktischbesten Lehrveranstaltungen, die ich JEMALS besuchthabe. –TUM, SEIP, WS 20/21 Die Medienund das Setup sindunfassbargut! –TUM, SEIP, WS 21/22 Definitivdie besteVorlesung, die ich je besuchthabe! –TUM, SEIP, WS 22/23 Die Professionalität[...] übersteigt alleswas ich bisherin meiner Studentenlaufbahnerlebendurfte. –TUM, SEIP, WS 22/23 Die Vorlesungistbeiweitemdie aufwändigsteund beste, die ich je an der TUM […] gesehenhabe. –TUM, SEIP, WS 22/23 […]die Balance ausinformativund unterhaltsam, eigentlichdie gesamteVorlesungistüberragend. –TUM, SEIP, WS 22/23 Some proving excerpts (in german) from official lecture evaluations:Company:SEA Software Engineering Academy gGmbH Register:HRB 26 92 37 (AmtsgerichtMünchen) Shareholder:Dr. Ernst Denert, Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall Director:Dr. Ralf S. Engelschall VAT-Id (USt-IdNr):DE 351 992 667 Web:https://softeng.academy Email:contact@softeng.academy Postal:Weblinger Weg 28, 85221 Dachau, DE IBAN:DE93 700 700 24 0 798 1 798 00 Phone:+49 8131 7799780 Thanks for your attention!Next >